Retirement Plan Fundamentals in Family Law
Beginning May 2017, Attorney Kristine E. Colburn will offer small Study Group meetings covering the basics of Retirement Plans in Family Law Cases.
The Study Group will be given on the third Wednesday of each month commencing May 17, 2017 and each third Wednesday of the month thereafter (except July 2017). The same material is offered each month. It is not a series.
This is a great opportunity for attorneys who are new to Family Law or attorneys wanting to learn more about how retirement plans are handled in Family Law cases and how to enter a Judgment with correct and adequate orders. This is a not a Study Group to learn how to write QDROs nor is it intended to be an exhaustive discussion of military retirement or any other issues. Topics to be covered include:
- Defined Benefit Plans – Public/private. Time rule aka IRMO Brown
- Defined Contribution Plans – public/private; TSP; 401(k); IRA; 403(b)
- Joinder of the Plan – Why, when and how
- Plan Administrators – How to find; what is their role
- Relevant California and federal laws including ERISA
- Overview of relevant California Judicial Council Forms
- Survivor Benefit overview
- Q & A
The Study Group will be limited to 6 people so that it can be interactive.
The Study Group will offer 1 hour of MCLE General Credit.
The Study Group will start promptly at noon at the Stocks & Colburn Law and Mediation office located at 3033 Fifth Avenue, Suite 430, San Diego, CA 92103. The Study Group will end no later than 1:30 p.m. Participation will require that all attendees read the Study materials prior to coming to the Study Group meeting.
The charge is $75.00 per person. Please call Carla at 619-231- 2085 to register and give a credit card number to reserve your attendance. If you cannot attend and have paid, you may assign your reservation to someone else and collect a refund from that person. No refunds will be given by Stocks & Colburn.
Family Law Attorneys – QDRO Workshop Sign-up: Call now.
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